Step 1

Sign Up / Log In - When you get to the SUBA Capital App, you have the option to Sign Up or Log In. Existing users can go ahead and Log In, but if this is your first time to the platform, you will need to sign up to create a new account.

Step 2

Click on Invest - You can choose to invest as an individual, or invest on behalf of an entity (such as a trust). You may be asked to provide information such as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), Certificate of Incorporation, articles of incorporation, or an operating agreement to verify you are eligible to sign on behalf of this entity.

Step 3

Enter Amount - For Investment subscription, select contribution plan. Use the slider bar to determine how much you will Invest on a regular basis.

Step 4

Account Information - You then choose between two payment methods. 1) Pay a with Card - Upon selection of this option, provide card details and pay, 2) Bank Transfer - Upon selection, account numbers will be displayed and you can choose any bank to make the payment.

Step 5

Review and Agree to our Terms & Conditions - Here you can review and agree to our terms and conditions. basis.

Other optional steps (required for legal entities)

3rd Party Investor Accreditation

Depending on the particular offering, you may need to upload information such a letter from an attorney or personal accountant verifying your status as an accredited investor.

Anti-money Laundering (AML) Verification Required

Here the entity’s associated persons will fill out their information. Feel free to email us at if you have trouble with the investing process.

SUBA Capital is in Lagos, Nigeria. See the address in the footnote of this platform.

Yes! SUBA Capital operates under a state regulated business and cooperative license that allow us receive deposits, and carry on our core business activities - microfinance services (inluding investments), farming and commodity trade amongst other business activities.

Financially upward mobile professionals or business owners aged 18 years and above who can legitimately afford our most basic savings or investment subscription plan.

We leverage subscription deposits to finance micro capital loans for small businesses, invest in low rosk fixed income assets, purchase and hold rental real estate, finance farm projects and trade highly profitable commodities. This is how we generate the returns shared on the amount saved or invested by our subscribers.

Our subscription plans are open all day everyday 24 hours, 7 days a week. Propective and returning subscribers can subscribe to available plans on the SUBA Capital App all day everyday except where there are technical maintence been carried out, in which case alternative measure shall be duly communicated.

You cant go wrong with making an investment subscription with us because; SUBA Capital is trusted by hundreds of subscribers and counting who have committed thousands of Naira, dollars and other currencies to our care and have earned returns for their investments in record time. Also, we return the best rates in the market, with lesser fees than other players in our sector. Finally, we store our reserve funds in dollar dominated assets to hedge against inflation. So why not?

The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) suggests that retail investors should invest 10% of their annual income per year depending on their risk appetite and other financial considerations. For institutional legal entities who usually set aside 2% - 5% for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), an allocation of 1% - 5% committed to our impact driven investments would not be unreasonable as their investment would still create the much needed social impact. However, THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. Prospective investment subscribers are encouraged to consult a licensed financial adviser, a tax accountant or a legal professional prior to making these investment decisions. Yes! Please consult your local legal representation and tax advisor before investing.

You can subscribe to any of our plans from your wallet on the SUBA Capital App, credit or debit card or make a direct bank transfer to the provided account on our platform.

Our typical maturity time is 3 - 6 months for lending plans and at least 12 months for investment plans. However, subscribers can create their own custom subscription plan and maturity time based on their income and financial goal.

If a subscriber does not complete their subscription deposits, the missed subscription deposit amount would remain pending and the withdrawal button shall be inactive until the subscription deposits for that subscription plan is completed. Do note that missing a subscription deposit may extended the maturity date of the chosen plan.

The minimum maturity period for our lending plan is 3 months and for our investment plans, it is at least 12 months. However, different subscriptions plans will have different maturity dates and subscribers can also set their own custom maturity dates. Do note that the deposited funds would be locked and unavailable for withdrawal until maturity. Initiating a withdrawal to liquidate your subscription before maturity dates may attract charges.

Our borrowers and farmers undergo bad actor checks typical with the lending ecosystem in Nigeria and across Africa. We analyze the financial behaviour of each prospective borrower using their supplied verifiable data and market potential of the small business requesting for micro capital loan. We also consider geopolitical security risk factors. Whenever possible, our due diligence team will visit with the business or farm in person and where those visits have occurred, they will be noted in the approval summary. Our goal is to provide a wide variety of affordable microfinance services with risk-adjusted returns for our subscribers. We receive many loan and project financing requests from business owners and farmers who want to raise microcapital than we approve. Our number one criteria for approval is the track record of the borrower or farmer. How long have they been in that business? Do they have experience raising or growing the specific crop or have they contracted with an experienced farm manager to do so? All that said, SUBA Capital makes no claim as to the financial viability of these credits or their ability to achieve expected pro-forma returns. Subscribers should consult with legal and investment professionals, thoroughly read all Terms and Condition for saving, investing or lending with on our platform before financial commitment to a subscription plan.

Yes! you can liquidate your subscription deposits after the first 90 days of active subscription. However, this may attract charges and may take between 7 - 30 business days to process.

No, you cannot change your subscription plan after you've completely subscribed to a plan. However, you could use the “Create Custom Plan” feature to create your own custom subscription plan to suit your desired financial goal.

All investments have some element of risk. Previous performance does not guarantee future results. However, expansive market research have shown that; low risk fixed income assets, small business lending, Financing Agricultural Farm Projects and Commodity Trade are generally pretty safe investment bets. As a service provider, we have gone the extra mile to take insurance cover for the credit we lend, on the commodities we trade, on the crops we produce and our farmers. This helps to preserve the capital invested at the very least.

No! Our Terms and Conditions along with other legal electronic documents on our website and the mobile application serve as the legal contract between you and SUBA Capital. Once AGREED to, they become legally binding between you and SUBA Capital.

No! SUBA Capital would not charge you a fee for making an investment deposit with us. However, the banks and third party gateway may charge a fee for card transactions and bank transfers.

Yes! you may receive electronic updates on our farm projects, investment portfolio management, business lending and commodity trade performance by email or as notifications on the SUBA Capital mobile app. We encourage subscribers to thoroughly review them.

Generally, income like dividends and return on investments are taxed as capital gains. However, because SUBA Capital operate under a state regulated license, your dividends and returns may be tax free. That been said, SUBA Capital makes no claim of giving tax breaks to its subscribers as we do not have the power to do so. We encourage subscribers to consult their lawyers and tax accountant for more clarification.

Yes, you can. After you have created a user account you can write to the support team (email to ) attaching all necessary legal registration documents for approval of profile and bank details update from a personal to a corporate profile. The profile update may take 7 to 14 business days pending legal search and verification.

Yes, in many cases, subscribers or prospective subscribers can visit a farm project or commodity warehouse with prior approval. Please email to book an inspection appointment. Inspection visit shall be dependent on approval.

Please contact: +2349077442326 or email for all the necessary assistance.